Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Nenek bongkok tiga

Image credit:

si bongkok tiga
Siang mengantuk malam berjaga
Mencari cucu di mana ada
Nenek ku kahwin dengan anak raja

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sun Mechanic

Sun Mechanic, mechanic,
In the lawn
In the lawn

Cha cha cha
Chi chi chi

Even though this rhyme sounds like it is supposed to be in English. I still think that it is a lagu rakyat. I asked most of my friends from different part of Malaysia and most of them recognise this rhyme. I wonder about its origin because it is so weird that people remember this from their childhood but they dont know where and who they learn it from.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Jong jong Inai (by anonymous)

"ibu kaki" does mean the big toe.

"raja wali" is a bird. but in Malaysia, it's the kingfisher bird.

"jong jong inai"- doesn't that refers to the word "hujong" (hujung) where normally people "inai" their fingers?

"mak ipong" can mean the mother of Ipong or the name of the lady herself. Ipong, to my knowledge, is a Javanese name.

and "wali-wali" (the pious ones)didn't come to Malaysia but to Indonesia.

-mak ipong the eagle?
-ipongs mother the king of pious people?
-mak ipong the kingfisher???

i seriously do not know!!

probably a song of traders back then.

Jong jong inai
Mak ipong waja wali
( 2X )

Jong jong inai
Mak ipong waja wali
Sepak tunggul inai
Berdarah ibu kaki
( 2X )

Semangkuk jerluk
Sepinggan dagang
Tak cukup pulut
Tambah nasi dagang
( 2X )

Jong jong inai
Mak ipong raja wali
( 2X )

lo and behold, the full version!!

Tangan Panjang

Tangan Panjang = long hand

someone who loves to steal things. kleptomaniac.

Monday, October 4, 2010

buai laju

buai laju laju
sampai atas atap
belum tumbuh gigi
sudah pandai baca kitab

literal translation

Swing faster and faster
until you reach the rooftop
even before teething
already know how to read scriptures

Note: Im trying my best to translate all these beautiful Malay traditional songs. If you have better version or translation, please do share.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Pak, paklang,
lang bontot,
lang buntal,
anak ayam masuk kampung
chik chiok, chiok

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Lan Botak

Lan Botak,
Lan makan taik katak

Direct translation

Let it be,
Lan is bald,
Lan eats frog's feces


I think this is some kind of nursery rhymes. This rhyme is like the opposite of pantun. Because the pembayang comes after the content/message. Usually in the pantun, pembayang comes first.